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The Profilist Page 28

Constable John Connolly

  I knew the deceased Dibble I gave him an order for this Hospital about a Fortnight ago I believe he was an Out Patient of this Hospital He drank to excess he was suffering from the effects of drinking He has lived upon me for the last few months he was unfit for any occupation I saw him last alive on last Monday.

  Geo. K Parker, marble mason

  Consigned to pauper’s grave.

  The Melbourne Cup was run the following Tuesday, and won by Grand Flaneur.

  A week later again, Sir Redmond Barry put a black silk handkerchief on his head and pronounced Ned Kelly’s doom. Ned Kelly in his turn pronounced sentence on Sir Redmond Barry. Who died less than two weeks after Kelly was hanged.


  Readers who might want to reassure themselves about the details of Gill’s story, so far as they are established, can make use of the following as I did: Ron Appleyard, Barbara Fargher and Ron Radford, S.T. Gill, the South Australian Years, 1839–1852 (Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, 1986); Ian Auhl and Denis Marfleet, Australia’s Earliest Mining Era: South Australia 1841–1851: paintings by S.T. Gill (Rigby, Adelaide, 1975); R.M. Bowden, Samuel Thomas Gill, Artist (Hedges and Bell, Maryborough, Vic., 1971); Michael Cannon, (ed.), The Victorian Gold Fields 1852–3: An original album by S.T. Gill (Currey, O’Neil, South Yarra, 1982); Geoffrey Dutton, The Paintings of S.T. Gill (Rigby, Adelaide, 1962); Geoffrey Dutton, S.T. Gill’s Australia (Macmillan, South Melbourne, 1981); S.T. Gill, Doctor Doyle’s Sketches in Australia: A collection of prints from the original watercolour drawings in the Mitchell Library with notes by Sasha Grishin (Mitchell Library Press, Sydney, 1993); Shar Jones and Michel Reymond, Monsieur Noufflard’s House / Watercolours by S.T. Gill, 1857 (Historic Trust Houses of NSW, Sydney, 1983); Bob Raftopoulos (ed.), S.T. Gill’s Rural Australia 1818–1880 (Oz Publishing Co., Brisbane, 1987; Mallard Press, Moorebank NSW, 1989).


  List of illustrations

  Cover—S.T. Gill, date unknown, On sale (detail)

  Sketch 1—S.T. Gill, 184-, Port Adelaide, National Library of Australia

  Sketch 2—S.T. Gill, 1854?, Portland, 1854?, State Library of New South Wales

  Sketch 3—S.T. Gill, 1845, North Terrace, Adelaide looking east, State Library of New South Wales

  Sketch 4—S.T. Gill, date unknown, Homeward bound: A scene of a mounted man and his dog approaching a house by night, State Library of New South Wales

  Sketch 5—S.T. Gill, 1844, Sturt’s Overland Expedition leaving Adelaide, 10th August, 1844, Wikimedia Commons

  Sketch 6—S.T. Gill, 1846, Camp in desert, Sept. 1st, National Library of Australia

  Sketch 7—S.T. Gill, 1847, Neales’s Stopes, Burra Burra Mine, April 12th 1847, Wikimedia Commons

  Sketch 8—S.T. Gill, 1849, Osmond Gilles, landowner, State Library of New South Wales

  Sketch 9—S.T. Gill, 1852, The claim disputed, State Library of Victoria

  Sketch 10—S.T. Gill, 1852, Digger’s wedding Melbourne, State Library of Victoria

  Sketch 11—S.T. Gill, 1853, Dress Circle boxes Queens Theatre. Lucky Diggers in Melbourne 1853 In the reign of J.T. Smith, State Library of Victoria

  Sketch 12—S.T. Gill, 1857, The first cricket match between New South Wales and Victoria, played in the Sydney Domain in January, 1857, National Library of Australia

  Sketch 13—S.T. Gill, 1863, Squatter of N.S. Wales: Monarch of more than all he surveys, State Library of New South Wales

  Sketch 14—S.T. Gill, date unknown, Native dignity, State Library of New South Wales

  Sketch 15—S.T. Gill, 1869, Improvident diggers in Melbourne, State Library of Victoria

  Sketch 16—S.T. Gill, date unknown, A city of Melbourne solicitor, State Library of New South Wales

  Sketch 17—S.T. Gill, date unknown, The king of terrors and his satallites, State Library of New South Wales

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